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Language Learning

April 17, 2013

Language learning, tough business


If you are here for an easier and cheaper way to learn languages, then you have come to the right place, I cant guarantee however that you will be fluent, in a really short time or that the language you want is available, or that you’ll be able to use it easily. However, the bright side is languages isn’t the only thing that that website provides it also provides other kinds of information such as all the capitals of the world, 400 digits of pi, as well as many others.


Now just before i give you the link, a warning:

 the entire thing is based on memory, so although you learn, it isn’t really learning. It’s more of memorizing such as memorizing names of the bones in the body, not how the body works (however to memorize the name you have to memorize its function). And in order to learn a language you are going to have to enroll in not just one course you have to enroll in at least two, (one for understanding how it works and the other for vocabulary).




So without further ado, the link is right here.


Now the entire thing revolves around the idea that through special memory techniques, the user (you) will be able to memorize the words by making a mental picture of the object. For example if you want to memorize that the capital of Azerbaijan is Baku, the way i did it is to first figure out how to write Azerbaijan without mistakes, so one of the mems (picture that helps you remember the word) was this :

credit for breenglue.


so through that one picture i learned the capital of azerbaijan as well as to how to memorize it.


Good luck



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